NOTE: The token has been added. It isn't on page 17 of the manual, or on any other pages, for that matter. See the examples near the end of this macro table. The manual wrongly refers to as in a couple of places. Macros can now "call" temporary macros. See macros T and X. During a temporary macro, you can press Control-T to enter the equivalent of a token. AppleWorks will beep, but when the macro is called again, it will pause for a keystroke. In a MACROS. file, text can wrap around from one line to another, but reserved words such as must be entirely on the same line. Macros from page 19 of the manual are included here, along with some other bonus macros. Never save the file with page breaks visible. It won't compile properly. If a macro file like this one has too many comments, the compiler may not be able to load it. The maximum size is about 13K. Macro Comment ----- ------- START :| jump to beginning of line :| jump to end of line :| cursor up 12 lines; used by sa-( :ONP| find next forced page break (NP) :NP| insert page break :| jump to far right margin : | insert space from strike-over mode A:| add files to desktop B:|boldface word at cursor C:CN| center text D:T| delete word under cursor E:lm0Bryan Ross3624 Bogus Dr.Lakeside, CA 92040lm 3PH C oph | envelope macro; see the end of this file for details F:T| find text, clear previous word G:M1| go to marker 1 (set with sa-M) H:| home to top left of screen I:IN3| indent 3 characters J:JU| justify both sides K:P| calculate page breaks; find a page L:UJ| left justify only (cancel centering) M:SM1| set marker 1 (find with sa-G) N:MacroWorks V2.5Copyright (c) 1986, Randy BrandtBeagle Bros, Inc.| O:IN0| indent 0 P:| print current file Q:| switch to next file on desktop R:O| replace printer option S:4| save and remove a file T:Start 1End 1| call a temporary macro U:F| undo last MacroWorks delete V:A very large amount of useless text can be generated by one macro.| W:W| swap the words on either side of the cursor X:T3| make extra copy of the current file; name it whatever is in macro 5 Y:T| delete current line Z:T| delete (zap) to end of file +:+B+E| insert superscript codes -:-B-E| insert subscript codes $:| save all desktop files ^:| print and save all desktop files (:SM1M1 | set a marker, jump to last page of AWP file, wait for a key (use arrow key), return to marker and delete it. Keep copies of temporary text macros at the end of the file and use this when you forget which word goes with which macro :AppleWorks| handy for us, if not for you :52| list all files on the current drive :S| set line spacing s,d or t END System Macros (can't be recompiled) ------------- :| oa-del works the same as sa-del The numbers 0 through 9 are redefinable from within AppleWorks for up to 70 key strokes each. More ideas for the Spreadsheet ------------------------------- :| alphabetical spreadsheet column sort :3| numerical spreadsheet column sort H:CA1| home to top left of spreadsheet :L| change spreadsheet entry layout S:CC | shrink a spreadsheet column; change the 's to 's to expand a spreadsheet column; the macro ends without a so you can make adjustments before accepting the new width Brilliant Ideas from MacroWorks Users ------------------------------------- :5732Printer Name| drop last printer on list and add a new custom printer; finish this macro by adding your appropriate printer codes. Duplicate this macro to make as many custom printers as you need B:C#BYbb| this macro will replace boldface printer codes (#B) from an ASCII text file with the proper AppleWorks boldface code Envelope Addresser Macro by Randy Brandt (June 28, 1986) ========================= NOTE: USE THIS MACRO WHEN ZOOM (OA-Z) IS OFF AND THE INSERT CURSOR IS ACTIVE! The first 6 lines of the AWP file must be set up like this: July 4, 1776 ; line 1- date or anything else ; line 2 Matt Reimer ; line 3- address starts here Graphics Software ; line 4 68000 Chip Way ; line 5- optional last line of address Lakeside, CA 92040 ; line 6- last line printed ; line 7- don't care what's from here on Dear Matt, ; line 8 Press SA-E from anywhere in the file to address an envelope on the current printer. The address can be 3 or 4 lines. Customize the macro with the desired margin settings and names. Envelope Macro Analysis E: ; skip date lm0 ; set margin for rtn address Bryan Ross3624 Bogus Dr. ; rtn address name & street Lakeside, CA 92040 ; rtn city & state ; total of 8 rtn's to address lm3 ; set margin for address ; move past 4-line address PH ; set Pause Here ; skip date C ; print from cursor ; skip date ; delete return address ; 9 downs = 8 Rtn's + 1 oph ; delete Pause Here | ; we're done!